Monday, May 12, 2008

MovieClip Subclass without Asset

Nearly every example I see creating MovieClip subclasses involve an asset -- bitmap, video, or sound. What if a class draws itself? A few tricks are required for these classes to work correctly.

Building on the earlier demo, add a subdirectory under src called oas2 (for Open ActionScript 2.0). Right click on the src folder: New -> Other... Then: General -> Folder. When the dialog appears, enter oas2 in the Folder name box. Click Finish.

Add a new ActionScript Class in the oas2 subfolder called Rectangle. Copy and paste this code. Save changes.

Open the main class file, Two modifications are required.
  1. Above the class declaration:
    import oas2.Rectangle ;
  2. At the bottom of the class constructor:
    var my_rectangle:Rectangle = Rectangle.create(this, "my_rect", 50, 50, 25, 25) ;
Save the file, and the SWF file is automatically rebuilt by Eclipse. Click to see a grey rectangle in the top left of the Flash demo.

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